Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Blog Now Virtual Doorway to NR at HCC

Geographic Location of Individuals visiting our blog over the last week.

You may have noticed that our Blog is now "the internet presence" for the Division of Natural Resources at Haywood Community College. We did this for several reasons. First, the Blog will allow all our faculty and professional staff to provide important information to current and prospective students very quickly.

The Blog also allows for two-way conversations through the comment feature. We work hard to build academic relationships with students and this will allow us to extend our reach well beyond campus.

Finally blogging is going mainstream. Lenhart and Fox (2006) report "thirty-nine percent of internet users, or about 57 million American adults, read blogs – a significant increase since the fall of 2005."

Let Us Know What You Think!
Lenhart, A. and S. Fox. 2006. Bloggers: A portrait of the internet's new storytellers. PEW INTERNET & AMERICAN LIFE PROJECT 1615 L ST., NW – SUITE 700 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036

Thursday, November 16, 2006

NR Participates in HCC Opportunity Showcase

Representatives from the Natural Resources Division participated in Haywood Community College's Opportunity Showcase. There were several hundred students from Haywood County middle and high schools. They were able to talk to NR Division instructors from all program areas and see a live Timber Sports Demonstration. There were also representatives from every other academic program present to meet with students. Additionally, there were several local businesses and government organizations that interacted with students and gave career advice. The Center for Teaching and Learning also had a booth with a great video to let prospective student know about their services.

Big thanks to all the natural resource instructors that participated (especially Shannon Rabby for organizing the Division showcase effort) and to the people behind the scenes that made the event possible like Matt DeLozier, Ken Hipps, Janice Gilliam, Rose Johnson, Bill Rhodarmer, and many more.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Blog Outreach Power

You may have noticed that recently NR Division Faculty have been reformatting the blog to serve as the living information center for current students, prospective students, faculty, alumni, and industry. We have added links and are now tracking contacts. You can see from the last week that we have already reached people locally and out-of-state.

We are also shooting for a more friendly face on the web for both traditional and distance education students. (Thanks Jenny -- for allowing your smiling face to serve as the gateway for division contacts). If you have suggestions or ideas on how to improve this instrument please let us know.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Round-Table Career Scramble at Mid Atlantic Farm Show

HCC Instructors Shannon Rabby and Jim Hamilton travelled to Concord, North Carolina this week to speak to high school FFA and Ag students on careers in Natural Resources. The event was part of the Mid-Atlantic Farm Show held at the Cabarrus County Arena and Events Center. The event was organized as a "career-scramble": students were given 12 minutes to visit a table of their choice during an hour period. Shannon's Fish and Wildlife Management table was a hit with many hands-on items, including a fox skin and numerous carnivore skulls. Dead animals are always a big draw! Jim spoke about different career options in forestry such as firefighting, cruising timber, and urban forestry. Over 200 students from four counties participated.