Jim Hamilton and Buddy Tignor spoke to students enrolled in the summer enrichment program at the Pigeon Community Development Center in Waynesville. The children ranged in age from 5 to 10 years-old and enthusiastically embraced the subject matter. Buddy gave a brief lecture on seeds and seed biology (the coconut was a big hit) and Jim introduced the students to forestry via a slide show. He also made yerba mate tea for all of the students to try (another big hit, especially since they got to drink it from the traditional cup made of a cattle horn).

Following the lecture we moved outside where all of the students planted bean seeds which they will watch grow over the next few weeks in their classroom.
Horticulture Technology Students will be returning there in the near future to do some planting with the students on the Community Center Grounds. WC will also be taking his paper-making demo there soon.
If you would like to particpate in this awesome program for children please contact Lynn Forney at 452-7232 (her office at the community center). They are always looking for new speakers to share with these great kids.
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