High Country High School Recruiting

Haywood instructors Pete Kennedy and Jim Hamilton travelled this week to northwestern North Carolina and introduced students to Geospatial Technology and Forestry at Watauga and Avery High Schools. At Avery High School, students in Dewayne Krege's Turfgrass Management and Landscaping classes learned how to create mapping points using HCC's new GOXH mapping-grade GPS units. Rainy weather kept the classes inside at Watauga High School with Sarah Grim's Ag Science and Intro to Horticulture classes, but Jim spoke about different career options in forestry and fish and wildlife management while Pete sparked interest in mapping technology using Google Earth and Watauga County's GIS.

Kennedy and Hamilton also met with Watauga and Avery High School counselors and career offices to promote the introductory natural resources classes that will be offered online for the Spring semester for dual-enrollment. This will allow juniors or seniors interested in natural resources the opportunity to take these classes for college credit with no tuition costs. These courses will include: Intro to Forest Resources, Wildlife Management, Intro to GIS, Intro to Horticulture, and Intro to Pulp and Paper Technology. For more information on this option, contact: 828.627.4560
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